10,301 viking names generated so far
AI Viking Name Generator

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10,301 viking names generated so far
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Home Village: Fjordheim
Favourite Weapon: Short Sword
Battle Style: Quick and agile
Pets: Freyja (hawk)
Family or Tribe: Eriksson clan
Home Village: Skogr
Favourite Weapon: Spear
Battle Style: Strategic and fierce
Pets: Bjorn (bear cub)
Family or Tribe: Astridsdottir clan
Home Village: Kattegat
Favourite Weapon: Battle axe
Battle Style: Strong and relentless
Pets: Huginn (raven)
Family or Tribe: Ragnarsson clan
Home Village: Vallhalla
Favourite Weapon: Bow and arrow
Battle Style: Precise and deadly
Pets: Loki (wolf)
Family or Tribe: Odinsdottir clan
Home Village: Midgard
Favourite Weapon: Shield and sword
Battle Style: Defensive and strong
Pets: Thor (eagle)
Family or Tribe: Sigurdsdottir clan
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Staff
Battle Style: Clever and tactical
Pets: Odin (owl)
Family or Tribe: Ingvarsdottir clan
Home Village: Jotunheim
Favourite Weapon: War hammer
Battle Style: Brutal and unstoppable
Pets: Fenrir (wolf)
Family or Tribe: Gunnarsdottir clan
Home Village: Niflheim
Favourite Weapon: Axe
Battle Style: Fearless and fierce
Pets: Jormungandr (serpent)
Family or Tribe: Hakonsdottir clan
Home Village: Muspelheim
Favourite Weapon: Spear and shield
Battle Style: Defensive and quick
Pets: Surtur (fire dragon)
Family or Tribe: Ragnarsdottir clan
Home Village: Drumlin
Favourite Weapon: Flaming sword
Battle Style: Aggressive and fiery
Pets: Brigid (phoenix)
Family or Tribe: Aodhan clan
Home Village: Rathlin
Favourite Weapon: Staff
Battle Style: Mystical and wise
Pets: Morrigan (raven)
Family or Tribe: MacBran clan
Home Village: Carnlough
Favourite Weapon: War hammer
Battle Style: Powerful and thunderous
Pets: Lir (storm eagle)
Family or Tribe: O'Conor clan
Home Village: Vinland
Favourite Weapon: Longbow
Battle Style: Strategic and explorative
Pets: Eirik (lynx)
Family or Tribe: Leifsson clan
Home Village: York
Favourite Weapon: Seax
Battle Style: Unpredictable and cunning
Pets: Sigurd (snake)
Family or Tribe: Ivarsson clan
Home Village: Danelaw
Favourite Weapon: War axe
Battle Style: Merciless and dominating
Pets: Freyr (boar)
Family or Tribe: Haraldsson clan
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Spear (Gungnir)
Battle Style: Wise and strategic
Pets: Huginn and Muninn (ravens)
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Hammer (Mjolnir)
Battle Style: Powerful and direct
Pets: Goats (Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr)
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Magic and deception
Battle Style: Cunning and unpredictable
Pets: Sleipnir (eight-legged horse)
Family or Tribe: Aesir (by association)
Home Village: Folkvangr
Favourite Weapon: Magic and charm
Battle Style: Enchanting and seductive
Pets: Hildisvíni (boar)
Family or Tribe: Vanir
Home Village: Himinbjörg
Favourite Weapon: Sword and horn (Gjallarhorn)
Battle Style: Vigilant and alert
Pets: Gulltoppr (horse)
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Thrymheim
Favourite Weapon: Bow and skis
Battle Style: Stealthy and precise
Pets: Wolves
Family or Tribe: Jotnar (by birth), Aesir (by marriage)
Home Village: Ydalir
Favourite Weapon: Bow and shield
Battle Style: Skillful and honorable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Sword
Battle Style: Courageous and just
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Beauty and light
Battle Style: Peaceful and radiant
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Wisdom and foresight
Battle Style: Protective and nurturing
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Apples of youth
Battle Style: Rejuvenating and life-giving
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Beauty and fertility
Battle Style: Graceful and bountiful
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Fangs and strength
Battle Style: Ferocious and powerful
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Loki's offspring
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Teeth and cunning
Battle Style: Sly and voracious
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Odin's companion
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Wings and wisdom
Battle Style: Observant and swift
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Odin's messenger
Home Village: Helheim
Favourite Weapon: Bark and bite
Battle Style: Protective and fierce
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Hel's watchdog
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Loyalty and strength
Battle Style: Faithful and brave
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Odin's companion
Home Village: Midgard
Favourite Weapon: Claws and agility
Battle Style: Wild and untamed
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking warhound
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Grace and charm
Battle Style: Elegant and cunning
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Freyja's chariot puller
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Stealth and speed
Battle Style: Sneaky and swift
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Freyja's chariot puller
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Whiskers and wit
Battle Style: Secretive and agile
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Odin's seeker
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Speed and endurance
Battle Style: Fast and tireless
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Odin's steed
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Beauty and speed
Battle Style: Graceful and quick
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Heimdall's mount
Home Village: Midgard
Favourite Weapon: Strength and courage
Battle Style: Valiant and strong
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Legendary Heroes
Home Village: Sky
Favourite Weapon: Speed and cunning
Battle Style: Pursuer of the Sun
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Mythical Creatures
Home Village: Sky
Favourite Weapon: Agility and persistence
Battle Style: Pursuer of the Moon
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Mythical Creatures
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Appetite and ferocity
Battle Style: Companion of Odin
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Kattegat
Favourite Weapon: Axe and cunning
Battle Style: Charismatic and daring
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Lothbrok dynasty
Home Village: Western Norway
Favourite Weapon: Sword and diplomacy
Battle Style: Ambitious and unifying
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fairhair dynasty
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Fleet and strategy
Battle Style: Imperial and commanding
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: House of Knýtlinga
Home Village: Gotland
Favourite Weapon: Longships and navigation
Battle Style: Explorative and expansive
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Descendants of Erik the Red
Home Village: Iceland
Favourite Weapon: Sagas and alliances
Battle Style: Literary and political
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Sturlunga saga
Home Village: Uppsala
Favourite Weapon: Ancestry and kingship
Battle Style: Royal and ancient
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: House of Ynglings
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Heritage and valor
Battle Style: Noble and steadfast
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Descendants of Harald Fairhair
Home Village: Iceland
Favourite Weapon: Swords and sagas
Battle Style: Heroic and legendary
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Saga of the Volsungs
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Raiding and conquest
Battle Style: Fierce and adventurous
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Sons of Ragnar Lothbrok
Home Village: Dublin
Favourite Weapon: Cunning and terror
Battle Style: Ruthless and enigmatic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Great Heathen Army
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Naval power and ambition
Battle Style: Expansive and relentless
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: House of Knýtlinga
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Charisma and Christianization
Battle Style: Diplomatic and converting
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fairhair dynasty
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Spear and shield
Battle Style: Brave and tactical
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Legendary shieldmaiden
Home Village: Valhalla
Favourite Weapon: Sword and magic
Battle Style: Fierce and supernatural
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Valkyries
Home Village: Greenland
Favourite Weapon: Sword and courage
Battle Style: Daring and relentless
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Eriksson clan
Home Village: Kattegat
Favourite Weapon: Axe and strategy
Battle Style: Bold and cunning
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Lothbrok dynasty
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Sword and foresight
Battle Style: Wise and perceptive
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Ragnarsson clan
Home Village: Sweden
Favourite Weapon: Axe and resilience
Battle Style: Tough and enduring
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Lothbrok dynasty
Home Village: Volsunga
Favourite Weapon: Legendary sword
Battle Style: Heroic and mighty
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Sigurd's weapon
Home Village: Angantyr
Favourite Weapon: Enchanted sword
Battle Style: Deadly and unstoppable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Berserker's blade
Home Village: Nibelungen
Favourite Weapon: Gleaming sword
Battle Style: Sharp and swift
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Siegfried's sword
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Magic and mobility
Battle Style: Adaptable and swift
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Freyr's ship
Home Village: Helheim
Favourite Weapon: Dread and doom
Battle Style: Ominous and unstoppable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Ship of the dead
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Size and majesty
Battle Style: Impressive and solemn
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Baldur's funeral ship
Home Village: Vestfold
Favourite Weapon: Speed and agility
Battle Style: Rapid and maneuverable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking longship
Home Village: Oseberg
Favourite Weapon: Beauty and craftsmanship
Battle Style: Elegant and ceremonial
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Royal burial ship
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Intimidation and power
Battle Style: Fearsome and imposing
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Dragon-headed longship
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Speed and stealth
Battle Style: Quick and light
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Warship
Home Village: Greenland
Favourite Weapon: Capacity and sturdiness
Battle Style: Heavy and reliable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Trading ship
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Reach and raiding
Battle Style: Long and slender
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Longship
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Divine power
Battle Style: Majestic and omnipotent
Pets: Sleipnir (Odin's horse)
Family or Tribe: Aesir
Home Village: Midgard
Favourite Weapon: Human resilience
Battle Style: Enduring and diverse
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Humans
Home Village: Jotunheim
Favourite Weapon: Giant strength
Battle Style: Colossal and formidable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Jotnar
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Glory and honor
Battle Style: Heroic and eternal
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fallen warriors
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Connection and transition
Battle Style: Mystical and colorful
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Gods and mortals
Home Village: Cosmos
Favourite Weapon: Life and interconnectedness
Battle Style: Ever-growing and supporting
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Nine worlds
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Commerce and prosperity
Battle Style: Busy and thriving
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Vikings
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Walls and defense
Battle Style: Protected and strategic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Danes
Home Village: Sweden
Favourite Weapon: Trade and exploration
Battle Style: Cultural and influential
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Swedes
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Natural beauty
Battle Style: Peaceful and picturesque
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Norwegians
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Fjords and fishing
Battle Style: Seafaring and bountiful
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Coastal villagers
Home Village: Iceland
Favourite Weapon: Woodland and isolation
Battle Style: Remote and serene
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Icelandic settlers
Home Village: Underworld
Favourite Weapon: Death and darkness
Battle Style: Gloomy and inevitable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Souls of the dead
Home Village: Primordial
Favourite Weapon: Cold and fog
Battle Style: Mysterious and chilling
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Elemental forces
Home Village: Primordial
Favourite Weapon: Flames and heat
Battle Style: Fiery and destructive
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fire giants
Home Village: Primordial
Favourite Weapon: Flames and heat
Battle Style: Fiery and destructive
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fire giants
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Apocalyptic events
Battle Style: Dramatic and final
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Gods and mortals
Home Village: Midgard
Favourite Weapon: Sword and saga
Battle Style: Epic and adventurous
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking warriors
Home Village: England
Favourite Weapon: Sword and diplomacy
Battle Style: Historical and strategic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Saxons and Danes
Home Village: Kattegat
Favourite Weapon: Axe and cunning
Battle Style: Brutal and bold
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Lothbrok family
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Humor and satire
Battle Style: Comical and irreverent
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking villagers
Home Village: Oslo
Favourite Weapon: Mystery and adaptation
Battle Style: Intriguing and anachronistic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Time-displaced Vikings
Home Village: Australia
Favourite Weapon: Acting and charisma
Battle Style: Captivating and dynamic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Actors guild
Home Village: Canada
Favourite Weapon: Acting and beauty
Battle Style: Strong and compelling
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Actors guild
Home Village: Canada
Favourite Weapon: Acting and intensity
Battle Style: Powerful and emotional
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Actors guild
Home Village: Sweden
Favourite Weapon: Acting and eccentricity
Battle Style: Quirky and memorable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Actors guild
Home Village: England
Favourite Weapon: Acting and physicality
Battle Style: Tough and loyal
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Actors guild
Home Village: England
Favourite Weapon: Acting and grace
Battle Style: Gentle and kind
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Actors guild
Home Village: Fantasy League
Favourite Weapon: Strategy and touchdowns
Battle Style: Aggressive and unrelenting
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fantasy football team
Home Village: Fantasy League
Favourite Weapon: Draft picks and trades
Battle Style: Wise and commanding
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fantasy football team
Home Village: Fantasy League
Favourite Weapon: Power plays and scores
Battle Style: Forceful and impactful
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fantasy football team
Home Village: Fantasy League
Favourite Weapon: Deception and surprises
Battle Style: Clever and unpredictable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fantasy football team
Home Village: Fantasy League
Favourite Weapon: Teamwork and victory
Battle Style: Honorable and triumphant
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Fantasy football team
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Runes and inscriptions
Battle Style: Linguistic and historical
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking era
Home Village: Germanic lands
Favourite Weapon: Ancient runes and symbols
Battle Style: Mystical and archaic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Early Germanic tribes
Home Village: England
Favourite Weapon: Adapted runes and letters
Battle Style: Cultural and evolved
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Anglo-Saxons
Home Village: Sports League
Favourite Weapon: Team spirit and competitiveness
Battle Style: Aggressive and coordinated
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Sports team
Home Village: Sports League
Favourite Weapon: Strength and teamwork
Battle Style: Powerful and united
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Sports team
Home Village: Sports League
Favourite Weapon: Strategy and skill
Battle Style: Wise and fearless
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Sports team
Home Village: Sports Complex
Favourite Weapon: Architecture and atmosphere
Battle Style: Majestic and inspiring
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Stadium
Home Village: Sports Complex
Favourite Weapon: Grass and grandstands
Battle Style: Historic and heroic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Stadium
Home Village: Sports Complex
Favourite Weapon: Capacity and location
Battle Style: Central and accessible
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Stadium
Home Village: Crossword Puzzles
Favourite Weapon: Letters and hints
Battle Style: Clever and concise
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Crossword clue
Home Village: Crossword Puzzles
Favourite Weapon: Stories and legends
Battle Style: Narrative and engaging
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Crossword clue
Home Village: Crossword Puzzles
Favourite Weapon: Symbols and mysteries
Battle Style: Enigmatic and ancient
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Crossword clue
Home Village: Crossword Puzzles
Favourite Weapon: Wisdom and power
Battle Style: Supreme and godly
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Crossword clue
Home Village: Crossword Puzzles
Favourite Weapon: Hammer and thunder
Battle Style: Strong and protective
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Crossword clue
Home Village: Crossword Puzzles
Favourite Weapon: Trickery and shape-shifting
Battle Style: Cunning and unpredictable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Crossword clue
Home Village: Modeling World
Favourite Weapon: Beauty and influence
Battle Style: Glamorous and captivating
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Social media
Home Village: Imaginary Land
Favourite Weapon: Charm and grace
Battle Style: Elegant and powerful
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking Barbie persona
Home Village: Imaginary Land
Favourite Weapon: Boldness and courage
Battle Style: Fearless and striking
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking Barbie persona
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Heritage and lineage
Battle Style: Traditional and proud
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Descendants of Erik
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Ancestry and roots
Battle Style: Resilient and enduring
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Descendants of Lars
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Bloodline and legacy
Battle Style: Heroic and legendary
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Descendants of Sigurd
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Familial ties and history
Battle Style: Honorable and storied
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Offspring of Ragnar
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Matrilineal heritage
Battle Style: Strong and maternal
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Daughters of Bjorn
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Lineage and pride
Battle Style: Bold and indomitable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Daughters of Ivar
Home Village: Mythological Realm
Favourite Weapon: Fire and gold
Battle Style: Covetous and fierce
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Legendary dragons
Home Village: Midgard
Favourite Weapon: Size and poison
Battle Style: Enormous and encircling
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Mythological creatures
Home Village: Niflheim
Favourite Weapon: Destruction and decay
Battle Style: Malicious and consuming
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Mythological serpents
Home Village: Kievan Rus
Favourite Weapon: Trade and warfare
Battle Style: Resourceful and expansive
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking settlers
Home Village: Byzantine Empire
Favourite Weapon: Mercenary services
Battle Style: Loyal and formidable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking guards
Home Village: Jomsborg
Favourite Weapon: Brotherhood and discipline
Battle Style: Elite and fearsome
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking warriors
Home Village: Random Generator
Favourite Weapon: Bravery and ferocity
Battle Style: Intense and fearless
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Generated name
Home Village: Random Generator
Favourite Weapon: Knowledge and strategy
Battle Style: Thoughtful and calculated
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Generated name
Home Village: Random Generator
Favourite Weapon: Shield and spear
Battle Style: Protective and courageous
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Generated name
Home Village: Greenland
Favourite Weapon: Charisma and exploration
Battle Style: Adventurous and pioneering
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Eriksson clan
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Strength and leadership
Battle Style: Powerful and influential
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Ragnarsson clan
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Bravery and skill
Battle Style: Fearless and respected
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Legendary warrior
Home Village: Orkney Islands
Favourite Weapon: Humor and axe
Battle Style: Amusing and terrifying
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Earl of Orkney
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Laughter and conquest
Battle Style: Witty and expansive
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Danish King
Home Village: York
Favourite Weapon: Intrigue and strategy
Battle Style: Mysterious and humorous
Pets: Sigurd (snake)
Family or Tribe: Ivarsson clan
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Diplomacy and unity
Battle Style: Founding and legendary
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: First King of Norway
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Leadership and defense
Battle Style: Historic and strong
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Danish King
Home Village: Novgorod
Favourite Weapon: Founding and governance
Battle Style: Ancestral and commanding
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Founder of the Rurik dynasty
Home Village: Iceland
Favourite Weapon: Mystique and rarity
Battle Style: Enigmatic and revered
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Icelandic settler
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Naval prowess and rarity
Battle Style: Maritime and formidable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking chieftain
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Prophecy and wisdom
Battle Style: Mystical and rare
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Legendary figure
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Strength and leadership
Battle Style: Powerful and commanding
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Norse King
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Courage and sword
Battle Style: Heroic and strong
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Legendary hero
Home Village: Iceland
Favourite Weapon: Valor and strategy
Battle Style: Bold and resilient
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Icelandic chieftain
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Charisma and axe
Battle Style: Fearless and legendary
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Lothbrok dynasty
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Raiding and strategy
Battle Style: Formidable and ambitious
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Ragnarsson clan
Home Village: Sweden
Favourite Weapon: Strength and resilience
Battle Style: Tough and indomitable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Lothbrok dynasty
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Justice and peace
Battle Style: Wise and popular
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Norwegian King
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Axe and ferocity
Battle Style: Intimidating and cool
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Norwegian King
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Conquest and power
Battle Style: Influential and memorable
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Danish King
Home Village: Greenland
Favourite Weapon: Exploration and discovery
Battle Style: Pioneering and renowned
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Eriksson clan
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Unification and Christianity
Battle Style: Historic and influential
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Danish King
Home Village: Asgard
Favourite Weapon: Beauty and magic
Battle Style: Divine and famous
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Vanir goddess
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Sword and shield
Battle Style: Traditional and common
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking name
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Axe and bravery
Battle Style: Popular and classic
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking name
Home Village: Scandinavia
Favourite Weapon: Wisdom and beauty
Battle Style: Common and revered
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking name
Home Village: Dublin
Favourite Weapon: Naval raids and diplomacy
Battle Style: Strategic and influential
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking King of Dublin
Home Village: Dublin
Favourite Weapon: Wealth and alliances
Battle Style: Prosperous and cunning
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking King of Dublin
Home Village: Limerick
Favourite Weapon: Siege warfare and trade
Battle Style: Tactical and mercantile
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Viking King of Limerick
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Ambition and military prowess
Battle Style: Daring and relentless
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Norwegian King
Home Village: Norway
Favourite Weapon: Brutality and leadership
Battle Style: Fierce and feared
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Norwegian King
Home Village: Denmark
Favourite Weapon: Conquest and strategy
Battle Style: Expansive and ruthless
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Danish King
Home Village: Minnesota
Favourite Weapon: Team spirit and enthusiasm
Battle Style: Energetic and motivating
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Minnesota Vikings
Home Village: Minnesota
Favourite Weapon: Passion and loyalty
Battle Style: Inspiring and supportive
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Former mascot of Minnesota Vikings
Home Village: Minnesota
Favourite Weapon: Might and pride
Battle Style: Stalwart and proud
Pets: N/A
Family or Tribe: Minnesota Vikings